Monday, June 23, 2008

I Want a New Drug!?

The headline says, "Scientists find childbirth wonder drug that can 'cure' shyness"

I was like huh? Other than the childbirth part I think that drug is alcohol and it was discovered thousands of years ago - so I was quite confused.

Still, it is a interesting article so you might give it a read.

A hormone released during both orgasm and childbirth. Yeah, I can see how that could work! :)


Crazymamaof6 said...

interesting. but you aren't shy? not at all ! you line talker you. and what's the deal do guys not get that release during the big O? don't they also naturally have oxytocin? or is that a female only thing? otherwise i/'d say guys could have that anywhere anytime. right?

tammy said...

Professor Zak said: 'We've seen that it makes you care about the other person. It also increases your generosity towards that person.'

So I'm thinking right after sex is when I can get my hubby to agree to stuff, right? New washer & dryer, hardwood floors, paint the bathroom.....I can see I'm gonna be busy. Maybe I just better get some of the spray.

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

crazyMomma- I was a little fuzzy on whether it is released in both sexes during orgasm or not?

I am only shy when it counts the most. :)

Tammy- Not a bad approach, however my wife always asked me for stuff while I was still begging for some though. That usually worked. ;)

L.P. said...

a guy created this drug, right?

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

Well sure it was a guy 'Kota!

No matter how shy a woman is she will still get hit on and all she has to do is say "Yes".

98% of the time we men have to work up the courage to first talk to you, then make the first move through each step of the escalation process... The first hug, the first kiss, the first feel, …

Since women are trained from birth to be "good girls" they work hard to keep from showing much interest so for the guy it's a constant guessing game trying to pick up clues the women is often actually trying to hide. (for some odd reason)

So we guys have to put ourselves out there over and over again never really knowing where we stand.

So it can be a pretty painful process for the guy. (Unless of course he is just a jerk who does not care if he oversteps OR if we are talking about the rare woman who will just admit she is interested)

All of that is why alcohol helps so much! I have often wondered how the human species reproduced before alcohol was invented! :)

Angel said...

well. I've got the "childbirth" part down, but the other part? I really wouldn't know! ;)

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

Beth, that is why I LOVE being a consultant. Some problems are just soooo easy to solve! ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I had to de-lurk for this...

I've often wondered which was worse: being the aggressor or being the (I almost typed "prey", but that's my own, deep-seated, therapy-resistant issues lol) pursued? Which is worse: to risk being hurt/embarrassed, or to wait until someone approaches you? Deep issues to debate sometime over a whiskey sour or three (hey, there's that alcohol again!).

As for the Oxytocin, well, I'd have to say that that little chemical has come in QUITE handy for me over the past X years (aHEM), but I don't think I'd say that "shyness" was what it cured... cause by the time the oxytocin is a-flowin', ain't nobody shy anymore (well, not if you know what you're doing ;).

Anonymous said...

P.S. I think I spit my cosmo all over the laptop when I read tammy's quote of what Prof. Zak said about the Oxy "increasing your generosity towards that person".

Talk about making lemonade out of lemons - I think I'll use that when I need a little self-esteem boost: "I'm not easy, I'm generous!! w00t!" Thanks, Professor Zak!

Anonymous said...

and aren't you sweet~~I promised i'm 50~~mattter of fact 50 1/2 years old~~it's been a while since someone said I look 25

Anonymous said...

I hope this drug isn't allowed to fall into the wrong hands. It's nice that sweet, shy people might get help overcoming their shyness, but what will happen if someone obnoxious or creepy gets a hold of it? Yikes!


Crazy Charlene said...

nerdy redneck rob~~~the goat joke on your profile is priceless ~~~i am so going to get over when i can read more, more, more~~i didnt think about my HNT being bAAAAA~~~i. fucking. love. that a. lot~~~now i never rejected you~~~hey i was raised baptist and taught at a Catholic school!! i would say not getting fucked by a goat and fucked by a priest is a grand fucking thing~~~i'll be reading you later tonight``i've still got to write saturday's post

Crazy Charlene said...

and i forgot

~~~~~~~I want a new drug also. a. fucking. lot.

Crazy Charlene said...

oh you sent me a song~~~how sweet~~~yes i've been having that song in my head also

Crazy Charlene said...

rob~~i enjoyed our conversation and look forward to many more