I was at the grocery store though and something catches my eye. Have you seen these "100 calorie packs"? I was intrigued at the idea of yummies for only 100 calories so I looked. I see cinnamon streusel coffee cakes; oh my I love cinnamon most anything but in and on spongy coffee cake, even better!
Then on the drive home my nerdy little mind starts grinding on it, how is it possible to get three yummy muffins for a mere 100 calories? How do they do that I wonder? That is 33.33 calories per muffin? What kind of new processing technique have they created to make a muffin for a measly 33 calories? They must taste like crap, still, I am intrigued, I am excited! I must get home and discover how in the hell they pulled off this miracle of food processing!
So with trembling fingers I rip open the box and the great mystery is revealed...
AH HA! ON TOP AGAIN! in my rightful place! heehee! yeah. but isn't smaller better than nothing? problem is if you buy a whole box you'd eat all of them because only 3 measly muffins is never enough. says the fat lady!
and thus how i keep my perfect curves!
Exactly my thought. For me, the box is 1 serving. Sad but true.
So I don't buy them either.
Unfortunately, my hubby does. Only he shops the Hostess discount store. and brings it home by the bagful.
Are you craving Swiss Cakes now?
You didn't figure out they'd be tiny since that small box said 6 packs? :)
Hey, Rob. I ventured away from HOJ to stop by with Greetings from TEXAS!
Regarding the cakes, if your hand was smaller the cakes would look bigger. What I do is put them in my 6 year old's hand to fool my brain into thinking that their larger, therefore far more indulgent yet still only 100 calories. The only problem is the fit he throws when I rip 3 cakes from his hand and swallow them in one gulp!
I've never had these tiny snacks, but I can definitely sympathize in that I know how disappointing it can be to assume something is going to be a certain size until it's actually in your hands. ;)
House of Jules
They are so tiny I wonder if you are even able to get a taste of what you're eating. By the time you have swallowed that bite sized thing you're probably craving something far more substantial.
Man up Rob. Women have been experiencing it for years. Nothing like the feeling of opening a large package and getting a very small gift. ;)
(Yes, Jules already said it but because we think alike I had nothing else.)
Aw man, Barbie food! What a scam.
I tried "weight loss" shakes once. After realizing it would take 3 or 4 of them to fill me up, I figured I was better off just eating real food.
hahahah....those are tiny. i get the 100 calorie wheat thins or goldfish packs. they make the crackers MUCH smaller so it looks like you get more. but man, i dont think anything is as small as those little snack cakes. what a joke.
LOL....don't think there's much more I can add than what's already been said. Just ditto all the above.
You do realize they are also making much $$ on the "100 calorie" snacks.
You could take a regular muffin. Cut it up into 4 pieces and put each in a ziplock bag and you will have an equal quantity to 1 box box of "100 calorie" snacks.
My what big hands you have!
(The muffins can't be really that small.)
I need a magnifying glass to see those. lol
It's not only because she & I think alike, but can I just say one more time how happy I am to see Taj back on the grid??!!!
House of Jules
Heh heh heh...
That's all I can say about that!
CrazyMomma- She is in top again! Yeah! All is right with the world again! I was worried! :)
SuperCoolMom- Bad hubby BAD! :)
Stephanie- Like Superman and Kryptonite, when cinnamon streusel is involved my normal logic superpowers are rendered inert!
Jen- Hey welcome! It’s nice to have another Texan around. I love the plan; I need to borrow one of Crazy Momma’s bunch to make it work though. Let’s see, Tanya borrowed one now I am borrowing one. Who knows, maybe CrazyMomma will sleep again yet! :)
Jules- Well, I was gonna say I know that feeling too but since I like small breasts just as much as I *never* get disappointed even when it turns out it was all Victoria’s secret after all.
Kat- Actually, they work pretty well! They are about ¾’s of a bite and they are quite yummy. So I just make a point not to swallow (Down Jules!) and just chew for a while and really savor all the flavor. It does scratch the sweet tooth itch nicely.
Taj- You know Taj, I have known a few men friends who “stuff” and I always tell them they are just hurting themselves. The let down is far worse in the end. Besides, can you imagine the embarrassed horror you experience when the ball of socks fall out? {shiver}
Anne- Barbie food! I love it! I am sooo stealing that!
Melek- It *was* a surprise.
Tanya- Uh oh, I can tell you hang out with an engineer! :)
Robin- I am not sure if I want to deny the big hands charge or not?!
Jules II- Yeah! Is it great to have Taj back or what? I mean my scars were almost healed, I was really starting to miss her ripping on me! ;) It was almost like being married again! LOL
Mags- Speaking of strangers! How you doing Mags?
LMAO!!!! That was about my reaction when I got the Hostess 100 calorie cupcakes home when they first debuted.
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