Then one sad day my fun with hamsters ended. Hamsters being rodents NEED to gnaw on things to keep their tooth growth in check and one day I put some pencils in the cages figuring the wood would be a great gnawing medium. However, I did not think it through and it turned out the the graphite core in the pencils killed all my hamsters. I was a little traumatized to come home from first grade to find I had inadvertently killed all my little buddies. Little furry bodies were strewn everywhere. Oh the horror!
So on a different track... If you watch TV at all surely you have seen this commercial since it plays incessantly. Talk about your mass media buy eh?
Anyway I find it deeply disturbing. You see, until this commercial I never knew hamsters were black. I am sure we are all at least a little shocked to discover this.
However for me this discovery has been a little sick making! After all these years and now I find out I was a slave owner. OH MY GOD! Then to make it even worse I had my own little concentration camps going. Instead of "showers" though I gave them graphite "chew toys" and commited genocide on all my little slaves!
Excuse me, suddenly I feel sick!
The only bright spot to this whole sick sad story is that unlike SO many slave owners at least I did not impregnate any of my slaves. Thank god for small favors!